Every great journey begins with a single step.

Today we invite you to take that step with us and be a part of history and have your name engraved on the Shimsan Grand Master Statue!

This is a one of a kind art piece created by Chief Master Horn's Father, Randy Horn, that will be displayed at NMAA Headquarters. Your involvement will not only support the Grand Master World Tour but will also weave you into the legacy of NMAA forever.

Three levels of support available!

The Nine Steps to Shimsan Grand Master


“A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.” – Douglas MacArthur

Chief Master Jody Horn, founder of the National Martial Arts Alliance and creator of Shimsan Taekwondo has been officially nominated by the Masters of Shimsan Taekwondo, the school owners, students, families, and friends to begin his Path to Shimsan Grand Master. 
As a leader who embodies all the qualities of a Grand Master, we couldn’t wish for anyone better to lead the National Martial Arts Alliance and the students of Shimsan Taekwondo. 
The journey to Shimsan Grand Master began when the National Martial Arts Alliance was created. Over the last 10 years Chief Master Jody Horn has dedicated himself to building this incredible organization and to always making sure he is making the best decisions for the whole. 
Truly, he has always had the role and responsibility of Grand Master, just without the title. 
Over the next 12 months Chief Master Jody Horn will complete Nine Steps to Shimsan Grand Master. This year is about his journey but it is much bigger than that. It is about all of the students of Shimsan Taekwondo who are in need of a Grand Master, Grand Master Jody Horn.
Please join us in congratulating Chief Master Jody Horn on this incredible step in his martial arts journey. Sir, we are so proud of you! We will be there each step of the way encouraging and supporting you! 


“So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole Earth.” – Baha’U’Llah

When people are unified and moving together in one direction, they are unstoppable. The students of Shimsan Taekwondo are unified in their belief that Chief Master Jody Horn is ready to become Grand Master. 
We are excited to share this journey with the students of Shimsan. A tour of NMAA United States locations and NMAA International schools will allow everyone to be a part of this incredible year. There are nine US stops and four international stops spread from August 2023 to June 2024. 


“Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and above all, don’t let anyone limit your dreams.” – Donovan Bailey

Passion has guided Chief Master Horn from day one. It has been the flame that is seen and shared across the world. Part of his vision was to spread Shimsan Taekwondo to the four corners of the world. With each stop on the Shimsan Grand Master Tour, Chief Master Horn will teach a seminar to share his passion with the next generation. 


“What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence.” – Samuel Johnson

Our Shimsan family is excited to share this journey to Grand Master with Chief Master Horn. During each stop of the Grand Master Tour, he will share a video of where he is are and what he is learning. 


“It requires strength to accept yourself, and to be proud of yourself when you’re aware there’s something extraordinary about you.” – Abigail Tarttelin

There is truly something extraordinary about Chief Master Horn. His ability to lead from his heart and his desire to serve others makes him the leader we all love.  
During your tour to the four corners of the world, Chief Master will get to give a gift to the Shimsan students who are there taking the journey with him. During the Shimsan Grand Master Tour, he will give a gift to each student that attends a seminar. 


“Accountability is the measure of a leaders height.” – Jeffrey Benjamin  

It is important to make sure you are always on the path to be the best version of you. Chief Master will read five books on leadership and write one paper on what he has learned and how he will implement those lessons. In addition, he must continue his physical training and Taekwondo training that is part of his daily life. 


“If we do not honor our past, we lose our future. If we destroy our roots, we cannot grow.” – Friedensreich Hundertwasser

Shimsan Taekwondo is the joining of two worlds, the East and the West. To pay homage to our roots in the East, Chief Master Horn will take a trip to South Korea and explore the past and traditions that help make us who we are. This trip will be open to all Shimsan Students - keep an eye out for more details on how to join us! 


“Empathy is the starting point for creating a community and taking action. It’s the impetus for creating change.” – Max Carver

During Master’s Training of 2024 World Championships, Chief Master will spend time with all our Shimsan Masters. These Masters are the leaders of Shimsan Taekwondo and have chosen to follow him and his path up the mountain. Chief Master will lead them up Mt. Evans as a family and a community of leaders who impact the world.


“With great power there must also come great responsibility.” – Uncle Ben

As Chief Master Jody Horn ascends to Grand Master, he also accepts the responsibility to lead the students of Shimsan Taekwondo. He accepts the responsibility to make decisions with the good of the whole in mind. He accepts the responsibility to watch over and care for everyone. 
He is on the path to Grand Master because he already does the things mentioned above. He has inspired others to follow him and his vision – from Canada to South Africa. The students of Shimsan Taekwondo believe in him and trust him to do right by them. We are excited to see him excel during this year of training and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is ready. 
The final step to Grand Master will be on stage at the Opening Ceremonies of 2024 World Championships. Chief Master Jody Horn will be inducted as Shimsan Taekwondo’s Grand Master with the family he has built by his side.

Shimsan and The Journey up the Mountain

After his first lesson, the inexperienced Haksaeng felt he could accomplish anything.  The Sabumnim had told him the story of the Mountain and the treasures he would discover along the way.  He couldn’t wait to begin his journey.

Through the foothills he wandered, not really knowing what lessons the Mountain had prepared for him.

Suddenly, he froze, for what stood before him was an unbelievable sight; the seemingly endless Mountain extended from the ground beneath his feet, to the heavens above the clouds.  Overwhelmed by the magnitude of the challenge, he thought of quitting before he even started.  The first of many lessons was upon him; he had to change his attitude if he was to ever be successful.

So instead of staring at the top of the Mountain, the Haksaeng set smaller, more achievable goals.  Each goal he set was just within his reach.  With each accomplished task, the young pupil became more and more confident.  His belief in himself began to change; and slowly, the impossible became possible.

With each step, the Haksaeng’s self-esteem blossomed as he knew that the path he took was uniquely his and his alone.  However, what the Haksaeng didn’t know, was that the Mountain had many more lessons to teach; and that some were not as easily learned.

Suddenly, the ground beneath him gave way and he started sliding down a steep slope.  Engulfed in fear, the Haksaeng started to panic.  In the corner of his eye he saw a branch in his path.  He focused, and with excellent self-control, reached out, and was able to grab it.  Exhausted, he managed to regain his footing.  He was making so much progress, but this set back has made him question whether or not he wanted to finish his journey.  Bruised and battered, he learned yet another lesson from the great Mountain… perseverance.  He has come so far and when things get tough, he has to “dig deep” and press on… and so he did.

By this time the maturing pupil had learned a great deal of respect for the Mountain.  Each step he took was with purpose and discipline.  In a moment, everything could change.  But with strong habits and a humble heart, he could overcome any obstacle and reach his destination.

The dedicated Haksaeng finally reached the cloud line.  Not being able to see, he had to trust in the Mountain and the path it chose for him.  He did not know where he was or if he was near the pinnacle or not... but he continued to climb.

Growing weary, he sat to rest.  He closed his eyes as he struggled with the temptation of turning back.  However, after a few moments, his integrity over-powered his doubt.  He opened his eyes and with a warrior’s heart, he stood up… more determined to keep his promise than ever before.

And in that moment, something spectacular happened; the clouds that impaired his vision disappeared and there before him was the pinnacle of the Mountain.  All of this time, it was right in front of him… but without integrity in his heart, reaching his final destination would have been meaningless.

Now, with the sun softly warming his face, the wisdom of Shimsan was upon the humble black belt… and he smiled.  While gazing into the wilderness; the young black belt was amazed by its beauty and wonder.  Then he looked down the mountainside and reflected on how far he had traveled.  He was so proud.

For only those who have made this journey before him could truly appreciate this wondrous moment… and the moments which have yet to come.

“I started the National Martial Arts Alliance with the guiding principles of all I had learned from my seniors. Even though times have changed, I believe the principles we are founded on are timeless. I invite you to join us on this path, this legacy in the making.”

- Grand Master Nominee Jody Horn